Pricing | Cats
Great services, straight-forward pricing.
1 Night
7+ Nights
per Night
​Rates for a full 24h period (Including Night + Daycare)
10% discount per additional sibling
For long stays, card will be charged every 2 weeks and credited towards total balance
1 Day
10 Days
20 Days
per Day
Price per Day. Multi-day packages do not have to be consecutive days
10% discount per additional sibling
Late pick-up fee of $15 between 7pm - 9pm on weekdays
Bathing & Grooming
Sweet Bath
Warm oxygenating bubble bath
+ Eyes & ears cleaned
+ Teeth brushed
+ Nails trimmed
Sweet Tidy-Up
All of the above +
+ Tidy-up around Eyes & Ears
+ Tidy-up Sani-area (under tail)​
+ Tidy-up Paws (no legs or body)
Sweet Groom
All of the above +
+ Full face & body groom​
+ Hands sci​ssoring
+ Breed specific cuts
All Breeds
Additional Bathing & Grooming Services
Deshedding & Furminator
Deshedding with Furminator Shampoo helps reduce shedding for double/thick-coat breeds
All Breeds
Applying dematting conditioner, Massaging, brushing & combing to remove matts around the body.
All Breeds
Boarding Brush-Out
If your cat gets brushed regularly to avoid matting, they can continue to get brushed during their stay with us. Price is for each full body brush-out.
All Breeds
* All prices subject to change
* No refunds after 6 months